Monday 6 February 2017

Happy Kiss Day Images Pics SMS Messages

Happy Kiss Day Images : We have lovely SMS collection for you on this KISS DAY. Kiss Day Images Collection and Messages Quotes

The 7th day of Valentine Week is Kiss day. One of the most popular days of the Valentine Week (predictably), on Kiss Day lovers get a golden opportunity to express their love with a sweet gesture.

 Kiss Day Images Collection

Hello my sweet valentine,
I want to wish you a kiss day,
By giving a sweet kiss on your cheeks.
Happy kiss day………


An apple is incomplete without seeds,
And kiss day celebration is not complete,
Without kissing my valentine.
Happy kiss day…..

Beautiful  Kiss Day Image


Kissing my valentine is my way,
To show my love and affection,
To my dear valentine.
Happy kiss day……


I am sending you,
A flying lip kiss,
On this kiss day,
Please accept my dear valentine.
Happy kiss day……

Happy Kiss Day Images

Romantic Kiss Day Image


Say happy valentine day,
To your valentine,
Also kiss and hug her,
And let her know,
How much you love.
Happy kiss day……


I want to hug you,
I want to kiss you,
I want to give you a Cadbury,
To let you take taste of my sweet love.
Happy kiss day………

Hot Kiss Day Image


I want to make my this valentine a memorable one,
I want to take you on long drive,
And want to say, i love you and kiss you.
Happy kiss day……..


Oh my dear valentine,
I want to sink in your love,
I want to sink in the ocean of your deep eyes,
And want to kiss you to celebrate kiss day,
Happy kiss day……

lOVE  Kiss Day Images

I remember the first day,
You kissed me on my lips,
Please kiss me again,
On this kiss day to rememorize,
My memory on this kiss day.
Happy kiss day…….

Kiss Day Images


The day I saw you,
The day I talked you,
The day I love you,
Today is the day,
I kiss you
And never forget you.
Happy kiss day……

Hot  Kiss Day Images


Today is a very special day,
For both of us my valentine,
I want to kiss you,
And say, I love you so much.
Happy kiss day…….


Honey is honey,
Apple is apple,
But love is not love,
without kiss.
Happy kiss day……

Sweet  Kiss Day Image s


24 hours makes a day complete,
60 minutes completes an hour,
60 seconds completes a minute,
And a sweet kiss completes,
A kiss day celebration.
Happy kiss day…….


A sweet kiss is a key of love,
A hard belief is the key of good relationship,
Marriage is the key to give birth to children,
Children are future of our nation,
So, celebrate kiss day happily.
Happy kiss day…….

 Kiss Day Image s


I want to adore you,
By kissing on your hand,
I want to make you friend,
By kissing on your cheeks,
I want to make you my love,
By kissing on lips and neck,
Happy kiss day……


Sunshine gives us heat,
Rain gives us water,
Wind gives us air to breathe,
And a sweet kiss energizes our relationship.
Happy kiss day…….

 Kiss Day Images in HD


The day I saw you,
And the day I love you,
I always want to kiss you,
But never dare to kiss you,
Today is kiss day,
Can you help me.
Happy kiss day…….


Life is the beautiful gift
Given by God,
Love is the best gift
Given by life,
And kiss is the lovely gift
Given by the love.
Happy kiss day…….

 happy Kiss Day Images in HD


My dear sweet valentine,
The day I saw you,
I want to kiss you,
The day I propose you,
I want to kiss you,
The day I love you,
I want to kiss you,
I wish my wait may over today,
Happy kiss day…..


Oh my sweet heart,
I took birth to love you only,
I live to live with you only,
I smile to see smiling you only,
But I never kiss you until you want.
Happy kiss day…….

 happy Kiss Day Images


My dear,
It is not necessary to kiss
On the kiss day celebration,
A true love is the result of
Faith, believe and commitment,
I never kiss you until you want.
Happy kiss day……


I never tried to kiss
To any flower or girl,
But today I kissed a rose
Giving to you,
And imagined of kissing you.
Happy kiss day…….

Beautiful happy Kiss Day Images


Kiss is the romance of love,
And I want to kiss you
To make my love romantic.
Happy kiss day…….


Today I was dreaming of kissing you,
But realized when awake,
Wishing you a very happy kiss day……..

happy Kiss Day Images Download


We have been friends for last 6 years,
I love you and you love me,
But we never tried kissing,
I think we should try kissing this kiss day.
Happy kiss day……

happy Kiss Day Images



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