Sunday 5 February 2017

Happy Promise Day Messages Image SMS Quotes

Happy Promise Day Messages Image SMS Quotes : Happy Promise Day Images, Wishes Your Friends Happy Promise Day My Dear My Lover

The 4 day in the Valentine Week listA promise plays a vital role in a relationship and fulfilling the promise is the second most important step to keep a healthy relationship going. As they say, Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person.

Happy Promise Day Messages Image SMS Quotes

Oh my sweet heart,
I promise you
I never leave you alone,
I would keep you every moment in my heart,
If you go away from me,
I promise I would search you from any corner of this world and make you mine….
Happy promise day….


My Dear sweet love,
I promise you that,
I would always love you from my heart,
Without ego, without intention,
And care you without expectations
Happy promise day…..


Hi, love
I wish you a happy promise day,
I promise you I would have been there always for you,
I would try to be a good friend and lover of you,
And care for you always.
Happy promise day……


My dear friend,
I cannot make you promises as promises never proved true,
But I make you realize that its only me who always loves and cares for you.
Happy promise day….


My sweet heart,
I never make you promises as I never believe in,
But its you without whom I feel problem in breathing,
I feel my heart beat weak and feeble,
I feel myself like a refugee.
Happy promise day….


Oh my Dear,
I am here to propose you with lots of love,
I have nice ring for you which bring us much closer,
It is a bond of love.
Happy promise day….


My dear sweety,
Sun rise in the morning and sets in the evening,
Moon rise in the night and sets in the early morning,
But I promise you that i would always with you.
Happy promise day…

My dear heart,
Sun and moon makes round of earth and earth itself makes round on its centre,
But my dear its me who only makes your round on this earth.
Happy promise day…


Happy promise day my dear,
On this promise day, I make you promise that,
I would be the reason of every smile on your face,
I would be the reason for you to live a happy life,
Please come with me…


My dear rose,
It is great for me that you met me,
And made my life purposeful,
If you are with me forever, I promise you to live every moment of this life with you.
Happy promise day……….


Oh my dearest of dears,
Promises varies from person to person,
But I would be there forever like that for you,
Hold my hand so that we together can go for long distance.
Happy promise day….

Happy promise day Images


This year promise day is so lucky for me,
I am here to promise you that,
I love you very much,
I care you a lot,
That, I can never live life without you.
Happy promise day….


Oh sweet,
You are my love and today i want to make a promise that,
I would always love you like never before.
Happy promise day….


Oh my heart,
Nothing in this world is truth and eternal as like as a strong believe,
If you believe in me, I would be there for you always.
Happy promise day….


Oh my dear sweet heart,
Promises come and go, flop and prove
Sun rises and sets,
But I would live a complete life with you.
Happy promise day…


My dear love,
I always heard that love is blind,
But I can see your true love,
I can feel your eternal love,
And I can love you more than you.
Happy promise day….


My dear love,
I love you so much from every corner of my heart,
Will you please marry me,
I promise, I would always make you happy and smile.
Happy promise day…..


 promise day Image Collection

Oh my dearest love,
I truly love you so much,
I never want to lose you,
My life is nothing without you,
However, it is everything with you.
Happy promise day…..


Oh my sweet Love,
Nothing in this world that I can promise you to give,
But I promise that I love you always and give u reasons to smile.
Happy promise day…


Oh my dear, you are my life,
You have given me a way to life,
You are my happiness, you are my comfort,
I make you promise that,
I would never make you sad.
Happy promise day….


My sweet heart,
My eyes search you, until they see you,
My heart stops beating, until it feels your closeness,
And my lungs stop breathing, until they get your fragrance,
Please, make me promise that you would always be the reason of my happy life.
Happy promise day….


My dear heart,
I am here to promise you,
I would talk to you without my egos,
I would care for you without my expectations,
I would love you without my personal intentions,
And I always keep you in my heart without anything in return.
Happy promise day……


I have made lots of promises to you,
Some of them became true and some left,
However, today I promise you,
Only to love you forever.
Happy promise day……


Some promises are remembered,
Some are forgotten,
But love remains always,
As usual in the heart and soul.
Happy promise day……


Happy promise day Quotes

I promise you that,
You would be my star forever,
I promise you that,
You would be my sweetheart valentine ever.
Happy promise day…….


I never believed in promises,
As sometimes it proves and sometimes fails
I only believe in me and you,
Which is enough, to make a strong bond of love between us.
Happy promise day……


I don’t know,
How to make promises,
But I know that,
I cannot live without you.
Happy promise day……


Don’t make any promises to me,
As promises hurts in heart,
Always love to me,
As it relieves in heart.
Happy promise day…..


Promises always change with time,
So I never make any promise to you,
I only love you always,
As love remains unchanged forever.
Happy promise day……..


As flowers blooms and die,
Promises too proves and fails,
Love neither generates nor finishes,
It always remains in heart.
Happy promise day……

Chocolate Day Images, Pictures, Pics For Whatsapp


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