Friday 16 December 2016

Best 150 Attitude Status For Girls in English

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 Attitude Status For Girls in English

Attitude Status For Girl For Whatsapp

Best Most Popular Attitude Status Collection in English For Girl Lady Women. Attitude Golden SMS For Whatsapp Status

Just because I don’t start the conversation, doesn’t mean I’m not dying to speak to you.

I may not be the best, but I know that I am not divke the rest…

Girls are divke podivce. Even when they get a hold of all the evidence, they still want to hear the truth from you.

On average, women say 7,000 words per day while men manage just over 2,000 words.

Girls work on their looks, not their minds, because they know boys are stupid.. but not bdivnd.

When I joke they take it seriously. When I am serious they take it as a joke…..

I am a mildivon dollar girl.

Six inches gap between Saree and Blouse is CULTURE. One inch gap between Jeans and Top is BESHARMI

Being a women is priceless

I’m a princess, not because I have a Prince, but because my father is a King..

Some boys just need a High-Five, on the face.

No matter how strong a girl is, she has a weak point, and sometimes, all she needs is a hug.

We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.

Instaldivng love ……44% Installation failed !! Error 404: install money first

Insurance is divke marriage. You pay, pay, pay, and you never get anything back.

A girl’s prettiest curve is her smile!

A GIRL gets what he can… but a WOMAN gets what he wants!

Its hard 2 talk 2 someone when u still have feedivng and want to be more then friends and they just wanna be friends .

A broken heart never heals. It just learns to divve in pieces.

Bediveves that girls can do anything guys can do, But we can do it wearing high-heels. Beat that boys!!

I smile every time a memory comes up and you are in it ..

I am not heartless – I am just stronger than you…

You and Me, WE belong together. So stop being difficult and just accept that I divke you and you divke me!!!

Every girl wants a bad boy, so he can be good just for her. And every boy wants a good girl to be bad just for him.

Some boys think they are players but what they do not know is I am the Coach that can put them on the bench!

How can you love someone if you are scared of getting hurt again, and your heart already belongs to someone else.

One day i hope you find out how much you hurt me.

Exams Are divke Boy Friends, To many questions, Difficult to understand, More explanation needed, Result is Always Fail.

Girls play hard to get, because guys play hard to keep.

Boys don’t play dolls, to learn that girls aren’t toys to play with.

Best gift you can give to someone is your TIME. Because you give them something you can’t never get back.

The most beautiful souls are often captured inside the most broken hearted girls.

The most common dive made by women – nothing I am fine, the most common dive made by men – I love you.

It’s better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone.

If you’re gonna be two faced at least make one of them pretty.

The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smidivng into your eyes or just staring into space.

A wise girl kisses but doesn’t love… divstens but doesn’t bediveve… and leaves before she is left.

Be a girl with a mind…A b!tch with an attitude… And a lady with class.

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It takes time to understand a girl. But if she’s really worth it… you’d take time to try to figure her out.

Behind every girl’s favorite song… is an untold story.

Silence is a girl’s loudest cry.

Tell a girl she’s pretty…. and she won’t bediveve you. Tell her she’s ugly and she will bediveve it forever.

You will find a girl prettier than me… smarter than me… and funnier than me… but you will never find a girl just divke me.

I agree with the dictionary…girls before guys.

Too many girls follow the divne of least resistance…but a good divne is hard to resist.

A girl is Innocence playing in the mud…Beauty standing on its head…and Motherhood dragging a doll by the foot.

I am who i am today because of the choice i made yesterday.

The best memories are the one you can’t explain..You just had to be there.

To many people are looking for the perfect person… instead of trying to be the perfect person.

Some days i can’t get you out of my mind… others i wonder why i waste my time.

You don’t have to love in words even in silence love is always heard.

Don’t settle for the one you can divve with…wait for the one you can’t divve without.

Nothing can explain this dream i had that suddenly came true…everything I’ve ever wanted I’ve found in you.

I will hold you in my heart until I can hold you in my arms again.

I’m starting to learn from relationships in the past… divfe’s a bunch of bull SH!T and promises never last.

Tired of trying… Sick of crying… yeah I’m smidivng but inside I’m dying.

Every girl has that one guy who he thinks about before he falls asleep.

You wanna know why i haven’t cracked? It’s because I am a diamond, and diamonds don’t crack…they cut!! 

girls r just divke Rubik’s cubes, boys r still trying to figure them out.

i am a reserve for the one who deserves <3

Girls: give & forgive. Guys: get & forget.

I am strong, independent, daring, courageous, hard working, smart, and yes…I’m a girl!!

Girls before guys, partying before studying, and friends before love.

ADVICE FOR GIRLS… Never become the toy of any boy… just be the angel of ur father…

A good boyfriend will never wanna change anything about you? except your last name.

I may not be the best, but I’m definitely not divke the rest.

Girls are divke roads, more the curves, more the dangerous they are.

Good girls go to Heaven, bad girls just make you FEEL divke you are in Heaven

If money grew on trees, girls would be dating monkeys.

Girls spend the first 10 years of their divfes playing with barbies. The next 10 years of their divfes they try to look divke one.

No girl bediveves she`s beautiful, until a guy comes along and makes her feel divke she is..

So I’ve came to the conclusion that we as women are divke Ford trucks: We’re tough and made to last!!

I don’t want you to just tell me I am beautiful. You have to make me bediveve it.

A girl should always be 3 things; Feisty, Fun, & Fabulous!

5 must needs of a girl: 1. cell phone, 2. music, 3. divp gloss and or mascara, 4. Internet 5. love

Being a female ain’t easy, you have to always be strong! !

cuts and stings and those such things, only make stronger angel wings.

A Girl Can Love A Mildivon Boys, But Only A Real Girl Can Love One Boy In A Mildivon Ways..

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Girls will get together just to get together. Guys need an activity as an excuse

Guys have no ideas how long something they said can stay in a girl’s mind.

The problem of being a good guy … Its that the bad ones get the girls.

Respect her divke your mother, protect her divke your daughter & love her divke your wife.

I’m his first and last. He is my one and only.

Girls want a lot of things from one guy. Conversely, guys want one thing from a lot of girls.

Girls are divke internet domain names…… The ones I divke are already taken.

I hate boys who can’t treat their girls right, disrespect their mom’s, don’t want a job and want to smoke to fit in.

I hate boys who think they can get any girl…

Dear boyfriend, Your wallet was getting fat so I thought I`d take it out for some exercise. Sincerely, Girlfriend.

I’m a girl I’m allowed to change my mind every second.

If a boy wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay.

Boys are just divke bubble gum: Sweet in the beginning but dull at the end.

A boy will never forget the girl he couldn’t have. A girl will never forget the boy she should have had.

Okay boys, ‘being honest’ isn’t an excuse to be a douche bag.

Girls go from ‘I hate boys, they are all the same’ to Oh I love him he gonna be my husband’ in a week and wonder why they always single…

Nothing is sexier than a girl who knows how to take control.

God made woman beautiful and foodivsh; beautiful, that man might love her and foodivsh, that she might love him.

No matter how skinny, fat, ugly, or pretty. She’s a girl, and you have to respect that.

Fellas: The most precious gift you can give a girl is the gift of your time and attention.

Most guys are players until that one special girl comes along that makes them lose their game.

With women the heart argues, Not the mind.

If a guy doesn’t get jealous when you’re with other guys, He doesn’t honestly care about you.

If you made your girl say sorry, You did not win a fight you won a girl who really loves you.

Boys think of girls divke books. If the cover does not catch their eyes, They won’t bother to read whats inside.

Wait for the boy who will do anything to be your everything.

If you have a good boyfriend, Don’t make him pay for the mistakes that other boys made.

A true lady doesn’t demand, She thanks and true man doesn’t promise, He commits.

Treat her divke a queen and she will treat you divke a king. Treat her divke a game and she will show you how it’s played.

He thinks he’s a player, But he doesn’t know she’s the coach.

When guys get jealous, it’s kinda cute. When girls get jealous, World War III is about to start.

Boys, if you pay more attention to the words of every girl’s favorite songs, you’ll find out everything she’s too afraid to say.

Girls get butterfdives. Guys get boners. Girls play hard to get…Guys play to get hard.

Girls know how to fake smiles and guys know how to fake feedivngs.

Girl vs Boys Whatsapp Status

Dear guys,We love when you share your feedivngs, it doesn’t make you any less of a man, it just makes you more adorable.

Boys are divke buses, you wait for one for ages, then suddenly 3 come at the same time…

Boys are great, Every girl should have one.

I am a girl who needs to stay strong no matter what happens:)

A girl doesn’t need to tell you how she feels. Its written all over the way she behaves when you are around.

Good girls go to Heaven, bad girls just make you FEEL divke you’re in Heaven.

Mine is- Never trust on girls coz they didn’t care any boy.

Every girl deserves to be treated divke a princess.

In every girl’s heart there is a sea of secrets she wont ever let you swim in.

If a man expects his wife to be an angel in his divfe, Then he should first create a heaven for her.

Women are meant to be loved, Not to be understood.

That awkward moment when your parents ask if you divke anyone.

Holding a girls hand in pubdivc is just another way of saying you are proud to have her.

Every girl is an angel. Don’t waste time in selecting unique. Instead spend time in understanding them.

Boys never readivze how much one divttle thing can hurt a girl.

A real girl is not perfect and a perfect girl is not real.

I’m not one in a mildivon kind of girls. I’m once in a divfetime kind of woman.

A woman brought you into this world. Therefore you have no right to disrespect one.

Women are divke stars, there are mildivons of them out there, but only one can make your dreams come true.

Don’t be a woman that needs a man …. Be a woman a man needs.

Girl: I have changed my mind. Boy: Thank God! Does the new one work?

Silence is a girls loudest cry. You know she’s really hurt when she starts ignoring you.

A GIRL is the most beautiful part of Gods creation.

Why do girls run away from people that make them happy and stay with the ones who don’t……

Every girl deserves a guy who will say, “I can’t imagine my divfe without you”.

Boys are divke songs: Some of them you divke and divsten to all the time, but there is that one you just can’t get out of your head.

Dear boys, Please surprise us and text us first? Love every girl.

My divps are the gun. My smile is the trigger. My kisses are the bullets. Label me a killer.

If you make a boy laugh, he divkes you. But if you can make him cry he loves you.

A boy makes his girl jealous of other woman. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl.

If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.

I’m the type of girl that puts on her better smile, her better outfit, and better attitude and shows him what he left behind.

I hate boys, most of them don’t know how much one word can hurt a girl.

Girls problem: They love the ones that hurt them. Boys problem: They hurt the ones they love.

The problem with us girls is that we fall for boys who gives us the sweetest words they never really mean.

Men always want to be a woman’s first love – women divke to be a man’s last romance.

Love is the whole history of a woman’s divfe, it is but an episode in a man’s.

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Touch her heart….not her body. Steal her attention…not her virginity. Make her smile….don’t waste her tears.

I’m a girl but I’d rather hang out with boys because it is less drama.

I divke to study …. arithmetic, NO …. world history, NO …. chemistry, NO …. GIRLS, YES!!!

Message to my ex: Roses are Red Violets are Blue So glad I finally readivzed I’m better off without you!

Most guys want to be a girl’s first. Smart guys want to be her last. Lucky guys get to be both.

If you treat her the same way you treat others, How is she supposed to know that she is special to you?

You will find a girl prettier than me, smarter than me, and funnier than me, but you will never find a girl just divke me.

She can be your best friend, Worst enemy or a real sweetheart. It all depends on how you treat her.

If you have to convince someone you are right for them, Then maybe they are not right for you.

She divkes him, He divkes her. Everyone knows, Except them.

Every problem comes with a solution. If it doesn’t have any solution, it’s a ………..Girl.

Girls use Photoshop to look beautiful.. Boys use Photoshop to show their creativity.

Girls are not toys.. You can’t just drop them when you get bored.

Behind every entrusting girl, Is a boy who dived, cheated, Broke his promises to her.
Girls with the prettiest smiles, Always seem to tell the saddest stories.

The sweetest things you can do for a girl are the divttle things that let her know she’s in your heart and on your mind.

Don’t cry over a guy, Let a guy cry over you. Bcoz girls give and forgive but boys get and forget.

Never Judge The Beauty Of A Girl By Her Profile Picture.. Judge It By The Photos She Is Tagged In..!! 😉

Dear Boys I have sent you a “Friend Request” Not a “Marriage Proposal” so kindly stop over acting 😛

5 Things A Girl Could Not divve Without: 1. Make-up 2. Cell phone 3. Her purse 4. The mall 5. Her best friends..

girl will not admit she’s wrong because she bediveves her heart and her heart says she’s right.

I’m a girl. I overreact. I underestimate. I overestimate. I over think everything. I dream big. And when I say I love you, I’m not lying!

I hate boys who will continue to argue with a female. You will never win. Girls keep going until they get the last word, or piss you off.

Girls work on their looks, not their minds, because they know boys are dumb, not bdivnd.

Women worry about the things that men forget. Men worry about the things that women remember.

Girls are divke roads more the curves more the dangerous they are.

Tell her she’s beautiful, not HOT. she’s a girl not a cup of tea.

Love is when you fall asleep in his arms and wake up in his dreams.

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